Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 I am preparing to go out into the wilds with my camera and take photographs.

 Really Mom, do you have any idea how heavy this camera is?

I got some good pictures which you can view here.

Stupid Mommy didn't realize the battery in the camera needed to be charged. So since the camera isn't water proof and it did nothing but rain for a few days I didn't take it out. Nice sunny day came along and I wanted my camera. Guess what the battery was DEAD. Mommy charged it today and I am hoping to take it out tomorrow and get some more pictures. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD

Thursday will be Scylla & Angel Charybdis' birthday. We are missing Charybdis very much so we are lighting candles in her memory if you would like to join us you can light a candle here. For those of you who are new to our blog and didn't know Charybdis you can read about her here.

- Tabby Tuesday
 Pfft, I can't believe I am not the only tabby in the house but Gracie decreed  Scylla a tabby just cause she has a few measly stripes you can barely see. Oh well I am still the only MANCAT in this house and don't you forget it. We are...

- We Dares You
We dares yo to find a fun way to cool off and take a picture of it. Mommy seems to think that sitting in my giant water bowl (it's a kiddie pool Fenris) is fun. She tried to get me to sit in there with her, is she STUPID????, you don't sit in...

- El Diario De Los Gatos
September 13, 2007 We are learning Spanish, El Diario De los Gatos, means the diary of the cats, that's us. We have been getting in all sorts of mischief. First Scylla broke Mommies flower pot when she jumped up on the grill to pester Socks (Scylla...

- A Walk Onthe Wild Side
Week One The trail cameras have been up for only two days now.Hubbs and I took the dogs for an early morning walk into the 100 acre woodsto fetch the SD card from each camera. With excitement and anticipation, we hiked the half mile through light rain to...

- Good News And Bad News
The bad news first: Thank you, dear friends,for all of your heartfelt thoughts with regards to the loss of my camera. (I know it might sound ridiculous, but I am lost without my little camera.) I re-hiked the woods retracing my steps as best I couldand...

