Good news melamine probably won't kill you

Good news melamine probably won't kill you

Well the good news according to the FDA is IF you eat a slaughtered animal that consumed melamine ( we know hogs & chickens ate feed containing melamine) it probably won't kill you. The bad news more then likely you have eaten some product containing melamine. At this point going to buy groceries is a guilt-ridden, anxiety producing exercise. If I buy the wrong thing I may not only kill my surviving pets but my children, my hubby and myself. It's enough to give this SAHM a nervous break down. I guess my reading glasses will be going with me to the store, so I can read the fine print on everything.

Several bloggers mentioned they are sticking with fresh produce; but remember the spinach scare awhile back. Doesn't seem any of our food is 100% safe to eat. Oh well at least I won't have to worry about swim suit season at this rate there won't be enough food on the 'safe' list to tempt me to go off my diet. Preferably a melamine free diet.

- From The New York Times
Contamination with melamine is especially embarrassing. Pet food that included ingredients made in China laced with melamine sickened thousands of pets and killed an unknown number last year in the United States, and the Chinese government promised at...

- Pet Food Recall ~ They Couldn't Be More Wrong ~xenophobia At Heart Of Product Panic In Us
From The China Daily, Debasish Roy Chowdhury whines, But the product scares and recalls the US media seems fixated on are the ones from China. It is the faulty tires, toothpaste, pet food, seafood and toys with a China connection that are making all...

- Pet Food Recall ~ 4 Months Later And Melamine Is Still Killing Our Pets
The Oregon Humane Society has confirmed the first known death of an animal adopted from the Portland shelter by pet food contaminated with melamine. The six-month-old kitten, named Sushi, left the shelter a healthy animal on April 16th. But about a month...

- Durbin On The Pet Food Recall
“I’m concerned that months after the first recall of tainted pet food, we’re still finding melamine and other adulterants in animal feed or food products,” Durbin said. “We learned during the pet food recall that the FDA rarely inspects food...

- Pet Food Recall ~ Melamine Contaminated Poultry Safe For Human Consumptions, Says Fda
-- Approximately 80,000 chickens exposed to feed tainted with the industrial chemical melamine have been declared safe for human consumption, federal health officials said Friday. After inspections and tests of the animals on several Indiana farms, the...

