Goodbye Scooby

Goodbye Scooby

Scooby from Little Cat Feet Blog has gone to the Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly.

- Austin
Austin from Herman's Hideaway left for the Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly. Karen Jo and his fur sibling miss him very much especially his special pal Rocio. ...

- Lucky Rip
Lucky from Us4 Cats went to the Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly her parents are devastated. ...

- Tessa Marie
Pasha's friend Tessa Marie went to the Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly. Feel free to use the graphic if you would like we are always happy to share.~AFSS ...

- Rip Kirby
Kirby went to the Rainbow Bridge very unexpectedly. We know his family would appreciate hearing from you. They blogs at It's all about the meow. ~AFSS ...

- Rip ~ Farley
Farley left for the Rainbow Bridge very unexpectedly. His parents are heartbroken. ...

