Haircut, Anyone?

Haircut, Anyone?

With the planting finished,
I finally had time to tackle a few more items on my Spring chore list.

Yesterday was "haircut" day.
With the arrival of warmer weather,
clipping the Littles and the donkeys is imperative.

These four equines seem to hold on to their wooly winter attire much too long.
So, for everybody's comfort...
I got the clippers buzzing yesterday and gave all four of them a makeover.

Chloe held still like a perfect little girl.
We took a break for sniffing the fur on the ground.

Almost finished....

Next came Daphne.
If you read my blog a year ago, you might remember that Daphne was not as cooperative as
Chloe was when it came to clipping. 
 In fact, we ended up with Daphne having quite a bit of belly fur left in the end.

This time she was very well behaved.

The funny thing is, these two seemed to enjoy all the fussing over them.
Chloe acted disappointed when she was finished, 
and kept nudging me while I shaved Daphne.

The Littles are a different story.
They behave well, but only tolerate the fussing over them.
Typical boys!

Red, with his new do....

Ollie... before....

Ollie... after....

He's actually looking quite svelte!

Four well behaved equines all got extra treats when they were finished.
Now we are officially ready for warmer weather.

PS.... I give just one type of haircut....short on the sides, and a little longer on top.
The horses, dogs and Hubbs all get the same haircut!
Surprisingly, they are all quite well behaved!

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