Happy As A Pig....

Happy As A Pig....

There's a whole lot of excitement in the pigpen these days.

Aside from their obvious happiness that Spring has finally arrived...

the girls are beside themselves with excitement over the imminent arrival of the lambs.

Can't you see how MaryAnn smiles from ear to ear?

After months and months of staying housebound, these two now spend their entire days
out of doors... nibbling on their grass and lounging in the cool dirt.

I am amazed at how long their hair grew over the wintertime.  
I would not be surprised to see both of them shed their coats this summer.

I spent a portion of Monday cleaning out their house.

Months of accumulated hay and droppings were removed
and the house was swept clean.
I used the shop vac and vacuumed the walls and ceiling.
(By the way...am I the only person on this earth who vacuums their pig house and hen houses?
It occurred to me when I had finished that task that perhaps I might be viewed as 
slightly crazy.
Ok, maybe more than slightly crazy!

I have to tell you...
I have the Spring housecleaning bug.
Nothing, and no one is safe!

As for the lamb's arrival....
Monday's the day!
How exciting next week is going to be!

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