House Cleaner Needed!

House Cleaner Needed!

Yesterday was yet another day of 60+ degree weather.
Another day of spring fever!!
And spring fever means house cleaning.
Unfortunately, the lucky recipient of the housecleaning was not me.
No, the log home is last on the list.
Yesterday the chickens , the horses,

and the goats got clean houses.

I removed all of the old bedding and replaced it with fresh, dry shavings and hay, 
while Becky gathered her power tools 
and got to work reinforcing walls.
A little repair work needed to be done to the goat house.

It seems that Missy and Myrtle have a habit of head-butting the
divider between their quarters....
sort of like two women sharing one kitchen!!

Today is to be the start of several days of rain.
Unfortunately, my gator is in the shop for maintenance and I have a loaner....
without a windshield or roof.
I am thinking of borrowing this hat from my dear friend Anne.....

After I dry off, I suppose it will be time
 to clean the farm house.
Any volunteers??

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