Happy Birthday Marg & Welcome Home Sergi Party Update

Happy Birthday Marg & Welcome Home Sergi Party Update

Graphic by Zoolatry
Drop by Cats of Wildcat Woods to join the party. You can visit Marg's blog here.

Marg we hopes you have the best birthday ever!
Happy Birthday 
~Socks, Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren, Mr Who 
& Alasandra

Photo by Kar of The Cat Realm
The drinks are flowing and Mrs Oz has taught everyone to do the flamingo er I means flamenco. So join us at Sergi's welcome home party there is more sangria and paella in the far corner, so - keep on eating and drinking and join in the dance.... ~Sweet Annie Tuiren, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Words On Wednesday
The Ladies of Autumn are having a Tea Party, where we are introducing ourselves. I sure do hope you will drop by and visit with us. I wish Tinkee could come to the party, she is stuck in a HIGH KILL SHELTER in Gautier, Mississippi  If you have a...

- Sergi
Many of you remember Karl from The Cat Realm and his husband Ruis.  Ruis' family got a new member: a 3 year old podenco named sergi who flew in from a shelter in spain yesterday! Of course the gang got together and organized a surprise party...

- Add
We had to add an S at the end of Dog, cause now we has TWO DOGS instead of A DOG. For our new readers, the blog started off as ALASANDRA AND THE CATS, that's right it was just a CAT blog. Then Mommy went and gotted Fenris for her birthday so we had...

- Mancat Monday
 Daddy was very thoughtful when he built the Hummingbird Cottage, he installed water bowls in the floor. I am enjoying the nice fresh rain water out of this one. ~Socks PS:  Marg from Marg's Pet's is celebrating her birthday today....

- Happy Birthday Mommy & Gotcha Day Fenris By Artemisia
Today is Fenris' Gotcha Day (he was Mom's birthday present back in 2009) and Mommy's Birthday. We kitty's used our allowance to buy Fenris a burgundy leather lead from CSN Stores, but due to all the snow up north it won't be here...

