Happy Birthday Mommy & Gotcha Day Fenris By Artemisia

Happy Birthday Mommy & Gotcha Day Fenris By Artemisia

Today is Fenris' Gotcha Day (he was Mom's birthday present back in 2009) and Mommy's Birthday. We kitty's used our allowance to buy Fenris a burgundy leather lead from CSN Stores, but due to all the snow up north it won't be here until after his gotcha day. Y'all may remember he broke his pretty blue leather leash. We got Mommy an aquarium for her birthday from CSN Stores and it has already arrived, we will show it to you in another post after Mommy gets a fish for it.

Happy Birthday Mommy & Happy Gotcha Day Fenris ~ The Cats

Everybody teleport on over and join the PARTY!!!!!

Let's Party!!!!!!

- Mancat Monday With Fenris & Socks
 I saw Mommy and Scylla were outside so I stopped by to say hi.  I has things to stalk and hideouts to explore. Think Mommy will have to work on this picture you can barely see me. ~Socks reporting for ATCAD. PS: Before we forgets it is the...

- Happy Birthday Scylla
Mommy forgot my birthday but she has promised we will do something special for my Gotcha Day. Thinking of you sweet sister Charybdis. For those of you who are new to our blog, Charybdis was my littermate. Don't worry, I knows my family loves me and...

- Happy Birthday Scylla & Charybdis
Between the Mardi Gras Party and the yard work we forgot about Scylla & Charybdis' birthday. Mommy is going to do something special for Scylla tonight and we will have a party for her Gotcha Day in April. The portrait Katie Kat did of Charybdis...

- Wordless Wednesday ~ Confederate Rose ~ For Momo
Please join us celebrating MoMo's birthday/gotcha day. Updates to the birthday/gotcha post will be added throughout the day. ...

- Happy Birthday To You!!
I wish I were reporting the happy birthday of a bunch of baby goats,but alas....none yet. No, today's post is a Happy Birthday tribute to the person that makesBee Haven Acres a reality. Happy Birthday Hubbs!! It is this man's unending support...

