Happy Birthday Scylla

Happy Birthday Scylla

Mommy forgot my birthday but she has promised we will do something special for my Gotcha Day. Thinking of you sweet sister Charybdis. For those of you who are new to our blog, Charybdis was my littermate.

Don't worry, I knows my family loves me and Mommy is giving me lots of love and attention since she forgot my birthday, to make it up to me. ~Scylla

- Happy Birthday Scylla (& Charybdis) !!!!!
I can' believe I am seven, it seems like just yesterday I was a little kitten. I got the most wonderful surprise today. Brian sent me this sweet card, isn't he the best boyfriend ever!!!!!! I sure do miss Charybdis, we had lots of fun playing...

- Socks' 13th Birthday
Thanks for coming to my 13th Birthday Bash everyone. I hopes you enjoy yourselves, I am having a marvelous time with all my friends. We has lots of foods for you to eat. Various cheeses, there is sure to be one to please. A very nice selection of seafoods....

- Happy Birthday Mommy & Gotcha Day Fenris By Artemisia
Today is Fenris' Gotcha Day (he was Mom's birthday present back in 2009) and Mommy's Birthday. We kitty's used our allowance to buy Fenris a burgundy leather lead from CSN Stores, but due to all the snow up north it won't be here...

- Happy Gotcha Day Scylla & Charybdis
Today is the day Mommy brought Scylla & Charybdis home, so please drop by and share some birthday cake, fresh catnip and ice-cream with us. Boy have they grown a lot in a year. Doesn't Scylla look sweet cuddled up to Charybdis? Charybdis looks...

- Happy Birthday Daisy
Today is Daisy the Curly Cat's Birthday. We hope you will join us in wishing Daisy a very Happy Birthday. You can visit her blog by clicking here. Happy Happy Birthday DaisyFrom your friends,~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks ...

