Happy Birthday to Me and Another Cute Goat Video

Happy Birthday to Me and Another Cute Goat Video

Yesterday was my birthday.
Another year has crept up on me.

My birth certificate claims that I am 54 this year.
(I am sure it is wrong!)
There has to be a mistake.

Surely, a clerical error of some sort!

In my heart, I am still 20-something.
(My bones, some days, say otherwise!)

Well regardless,
I know that you will all leave comments wishing me well.
And I thank you for that...
you all make every day brighter with the comments that you leave.
You make me laugh, and smile, and most of all...
thankful to have so many like-minded
friends from all over.
Thank you.

Now, I would like to ask you to do me a favor.
I am not in the habit of doing this.
But I will make an exception this time.

Would you, could you.....
click on the Nature Conservancy link on the right sidebar of my blog
and donate 
$1 to plant one tree?
(you can certainly donate more if you like).
Surely, $1 will not have much of an impact on your life,
each and every $1 combined will have an impact on the future of our planet.
(Just a little sustainable gift you can give Mother Nature and me!)
Thank you!

Please forgive me for asking this favor....I
will not do this with any regularity, I assure you.
But it is, after all, my birthday and I get to ask for what I want
just this once, right?

And with that I leave you with yet another cute goat video...
The Triplets' First Trip Outside
(if you are reading this on Facebook, you will need to visit my blog at
www.beehavenacres.blogspot.com to view the video)

*** The Nature Conservancy contacted me and asked me to put their link on my blog.  I have always pledged to keep this blog as pure as possible....and only promote things that I feel are worthwhile causes.  Sustainability should be all of our cause.  Please join me in this cause. Plant a garden....plant a tree.

Thanks for visiting!!!
See you next week with more tails from the farm!

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