On Farming

On Farming

It's hay time again.
Oh, the dreaded "bringing in the hay"!!!
It's not that I mind the work.  I don't.

What gets me is how much we are at the mercy of Mother Nature.
She's a crafty one, that Mother...
and not one to be messed with!

No, she cannot be swayed or cajoled.

Mother Nature is pure.
She cannot be bought or bribed or bargained with.
She will act as she wants...
whatever her whim.

All we want (need) are 4 sunny, warm and dry days...
in a row.
It's a lot to ask from the fickle fräulein, "fo sho!!"

We are lucky ones, though.
Our "farming" is not our source of income.
(Actually, it is where a lot of our income goes!)
No, we do not count on our hay or our produce as our livelihood.

All of this reminds me of just how lucky we are....
to be able to do this for "fun".
There are many who make a living from farming,
and Mother Nature can make or break them.
Weather, pests, and other natural mayhem determines the success
of any given year of farming for most.
And of course, then there is the "market" and the agribusinesses who set the prices and control
the farmers' profits....
It seems the only people getting rich off of farming are those who never get their hands dirty.
Sad, but true.
And wrong.

We have friends who are dairy farmers.
And they are talking of giving it up.
As the cost of feed rises, the reimbursement for their milk decreases.
Each year it gets harder and harder to make ends meet.
And then there is the Mother Nature factor on top of all of that.

Every day I count my lucky stars that I enjoy the life I have.
Mother Nature might not always be cooperative,
but that's ok.... I won't complain.

There are so many who truly need to complain,
and need to be heard....
before it's too late.
We cannot live without farmers, folks!
It's time we all stood up and helped them fight! 

Of course we cannot fight Mother Nature.
But we can refuse to buy food that is marketed by a big corporation.
We CAN buy local.
We CAN buy fair trade products.
We CAN buy direct from the farmers.
We CAN buy at farmers markets and through CSA's.
It's time we all did our part.

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