Happy Birthday Youngest Boy Bean & Charlie

Happy Birthday Youngest Boy Bean & Charlie

Our youngest boy bean is old enough to vote now. We think this fairy godmother should grant him three wishes (Mommy: Silly kitties that is an angel not a fairy godmother). Well whoever she is she should grant him three wishes, she is standing where his chess set is suppose to be.

We just found out that today is our friend Charlie's Barkday, please go by her blog and wish her a Happy Barkday. She is 15 years old, which is about 80 in DOG years!

~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

- Wound Up Wednesday
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- Thursday Not In The Garden
 Mommy hasn't had a chance to take any pictures outside so we thought we would show you our tree.  The Angel Whiskers Ornament.  The Blue Egg Daddy got from Sandy Eggo.  The Angel Charybdis Ornament.  Eldest Boy Bean made...

- Mancat Monday ~ Sharing The Bed With Scylla
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- Our Names
Reilly is having a contest. All you has to do is tell about your names. My name is Fenris Wolf and it comes from Norse Mythology. My youngest boy bean gave me my name. Mommy was going to name me Marrock after a character in a book she was reading. My...

- Goodbye Charlie Cat
Our dear barn kittie Charlie chased his last mouse, and has joined his old friends in Kitty Heaven. Charlie and his gal, Ella have been our mousers for the past 4 years. Charlie was born in Pennsylvania....town unknown. His youth was spent prowling the...

