Our Names

Our Names

Reilly is having a contest. All you has to do is tell about your names.

My name is Fenris Wolf and it comes from Norse Mythology. My youngest boy bean gave me my name. Mommy was going to name me Marrock after a character in a book she was reading. My nicknames are Fen and Fenny Merriny (Daddy calls me that for some reason, not sure we spelled it right)

Scylla ~ Greek Mythology, because Mom & Dad felt like they were between Scylla & Charybdis when the twins wanted their bottle. Daddy named them. He told Mommy she could keep the twins if he could name them.

Artemisia ~ Youngest boy bean named her Artemis from Greek Mythology but Mom lengthened it to the name of a flower. Most of the time they call her Arty Mouse, Mouse or Itty Bitty Kitty cause she is so little.

Socks ~ He looks like he is wearing white Socks. He is also called Sockie-Pooh and Kitty. Youngest Boy Bean named him when he was very YOUNG.


- Stylish Blogger Award
Our friends the Garden Cottage Cats ( Arrius Lestat aka Larry , Gabriel Wolfgang , Sunny, Lorelei Avalon , Anushka aka Ana, and Penelope) gave us this lovely award. If you haven't visited them at Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats you really should....

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
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- Fenris Plays The Name Game
I likes to sit in the butterfly chair and chat with Mommy. Awhile back Thunder & Phantom did a post about names. So I thought I would play the name game. At the shelter my name was Frankie, at first Mommy was going to name me Marrok after a character...

- Scylla & Charybdis Do The Name Meme
We are doing the Name Meme. We have to do it together because our names go together. We will explain later. Here are the rules: Post a link to the kitty who tagged you (that would be Socks, but he got the idea from Angus Mhor and we saw where Dragonheart...

- Name Meme
I am doing the Name Meme. Here are the rules:Post a link to the kitty who tagged you (that would be Angus Mhor), and post the rules on your blog. List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your...

