Happy Fourth, Farm Friends!

Happy Fourth, Farm Friends!

Yesterday I mentioned how humid our weather is right now.
This is a morning illustration of that humidity.

By evening it looks like this...

the moisture having fed the clouds.

And if we are lucky, those clouds then dump a little rainfall back on us
in the form of a thunderstorm.
I'm not too keen on the humidity; but, oh, how the rain makes life easier!

I had some farm help yesterday.  
Hunter visited with me and helped with some chores while his Pappy Sam
helped with the mowing.

Sam (the dog) loves kids and stuck to Hunter like glue.

Hunter called the horses is with their dinner bell,

and then helped by feeding the donkeys.

All of our animals are gentle with children...
 ("Stand very still so that you don't frighten them," is what I always say.)

We visit Ginger and MaryAnn for a little belly rubbing session, too.

Even with all of the farm animal fun, I believe that the most memorable moment
for Hunter was beating me on Hubbs' foosball table!

Hunter helped pick a quart of blueberries to take home to his Pappy and Nanie.
And while we were there, we noticed a rather large infestation of Japanese Beetles.
Needless to say, the traps went up in a hurry.
Hopefully I can attract the beetles with bait and get them off my blueberries!
Danged pests!
It seems we are always trying to keep a harmonious balance between
farm and nature.
Sometimes we win...and sometimes we lose.

I wanted to show you the best view of our vegetable garden...

taken from the hayloft of the barn.

For those of you who may have expressed concern about Minerva May Honeycut...
she is still tending garden and keeping the pests away.
Yup, that's her out in the middle of the garden.
I am sad to say, however, that Minerva missed her spa vacation last winter...
she was snowed in.
She is looking forward to a complete makeover this coming winter.

By the way...Happy Fourth of July!
How are you celebrating? Picnic? Fireworks? Carnival? Quiet day at home?
Tell me about your plans!

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