Hello Summer....What Took You So Long?

Hello Summer....What Took You So Long?

Every once in a while, I awaken feeling like I'm in the midst of a dream.
Yesterday was one of those days.

A beautiful blue-skied, humidity-free day greeted me.

It seemed like overnight all of the perennials had made a decision to open up to the world.

Morning glories greeted me from the fence as I took my daily morning stroll 
through the vegetable garden.

The Shasta Daisies raised their faces toward the red yarrow,
and whispered "Summer's here!"

Even Minerva's smile was a little wider as she kept watch over the garden...

as the vegetables spilled over the sides of the boxes.

It's the time of year we await while the ice and snow lie on the ground,
and the world sleeps in its grayish-brown winter pajamas.

By afternoon, the day lilies had awakened....
lifting their faces toward the mid-day sun.

It's mornings like this one that I love the most!
As I lead my little entourage to the sheep yard...
everyone trotting along down the lane
(not pictured, but present, are Annie and Oakley).

Waiting for us on the other side of the fence are Ginger and MaryAnn.
They know that it's Ritz cracker treat time.

Each morning when the sheep arrive in their yard, everyone gets a treat.
And so, in anticipation, every morning the pigs come running.
Smart girls!

Every square inch of earth is teeming with life...
all of the rain we have had lately has jump-started growth.

In the donkeys' stall I hear a tiny "cheep cheep" from above my head.
There, just popping their tiny heads up for the first time
were two newly hatched barn swallows.

It will be fun to watch these two tiny naked babies develop.
Isn't it all just so amazing...this thing called life?
So fragile, and yet, it prevails.

Even on a quiet early morning, the farm is full of activity...
activity that might go un-noticed if one doesn't take the time to observe.

The guineas are on patrol,
making their sweeps through the lawn in search of insects.

Searching for tasty treats is the focus of everyone's attention...

even me, as I fill my pail with gooseberries...

and blueberries...

Yes, it's that time of year when the earth keeps giving and giving.
And for these gifts I am grateful beyond words.
Life is good.
There is a peaceful calm in my "new normal".
I was thinking just yesterday that I need a new "big" project.
And then Hubbs reminded me that harvest season is here.
There's jam to be made and veggies to be processed.
I guess that's "project" enough for me.... for now.

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