Happy New Year 2014!

Happy New Year 2014!

From all of us...
to all of you...

Our New Year's wish for you:

That your cares be few,
your joys be many...
 That good health and abundant love be yours
in the days and months to come.

May we offer you a place to escape to when your world gets a little crazy...
and may you always leave with a smile on your face!!

And my wish for myself...
that I can continue to enjoy the privilege of sharing our wonderful world with you
each and every day!

My humblest thank you for taking the time each day to stop by for a visit...
we sure enjoy your company!

- Motivation
I could probably be much more efficient in my work around the farmif I didn't spend so much time behind the lens of the camera. But then...think of how much I would miss! Photography keeps me focused on the beauty around me,rather than the task...

- Up On The Roof
(Imagine, if you will, James Taylor singing.....) When this old world starts a getting me down,And people are just too much for me to face, I climb way up to the stop of the stairs And all my cares just drift right into space.... On the roof it's...

- All Creatures, Great And Small
You might think me crazy. But, I have a hunch that you don't. I can tell by the comments left for me that you all are animal lovers.... just like me. Large animals....to small animals, I love them all. Even the predators have their place in the world....

- Motherhood
Happy Mother's Day from Bee Haven Acres! We found this nest high in the scaffolding outside our second story. The mother robin flew off as I leaned out the window to take the picture.But like us....she does not let her brood out of her sight, and...

- So You're Thinking Of Buying A Goat??
I thought I would take this opportunity to answer some of the questions we get about raising goats. First of all it is important to remember that goats are social animals and do not thrive if they are alone. So, if you want a goat...you want at least...

