

I could probably be much more efficient in my work around the farm
if I didn't spend so much time behind the lens of the camera.

But then...
think of how much I would miss!

Photography keeps me focused on the beauty around me,
rather than the task in front of me.

And THAT is precisely why I blog.

In addition to giving me the opportunity to share my world with you,
blogging keeps me focused on what is most important to me...
times shared with family and friends...
my animal friends....
and this most amazing natural world around me!

For a while, there, I allowed myself to be concerned about how many people were reading my blog.
I would check the statistics daily in hopes that readership increased,
and for a while I viewed my worth by the amount of comments I received.

And then one day something changed.
I can't explain it.
I just shifted my focus.
I removed the "hit" counter from my blog.
And I stopped caring about being a "successful" blogger.

I remembered why I started this process in the first place...
to remind myself daily just how remarkable this life is...

to appreciate the beauty around me...

and to be a source of positive energy for anyone who visits.

There have been so many rewards through the years.
I have met so many kind and giving people...
like YOU who have become "friends"...
though I may never have met you in person, I feel as though we are old friends
and look forward to our visits!

I wish that I could meet you all in person...
that I could have a face for every name....
that we could enjoy a cup of tea and some delectable treat as we talk about the good in the world!

If you are ever in my neck of the woods...please stop for a visit,
and we will do just that.

But for now, I will just keep rambling on each day...
sharing the beauty that I happen to find along my way...
and if you stop by to visit...
I hope you leave with a smile!

Ollie finds Tyler's froggy headlamp!
I wish I had a story to tell each day...
but some days are just about the moments....
moments that I capture to remember and to share.

Thanks for taking the time to join me!
I'll make the bring the crumpets!

Have a wonderful weekend.
Ours will be quiet...a weekend at home on the farm.
And maybe, just maybe, a new granddaughter will make her appearance!

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