Happy Spring!

Happy Spring!

how I love the change of seasons...
from the grays and browns of winter...
to the glorious colors of spring blooms!

Happy Spring to you!!

I wish I could tell you that these primroses are in my garden with their faces turned towards the sun,
but, alas...
they are on my windowsill....
an early birthday present.

Still, looking at them makes me feel a little warmer.

Unfortunately, it remains quite chilly outside...
and grey as grey and be!

A band of merry roos hangs out in the front yard...
in search of anything edible.
One last little pile of snow remains beneath the front deck.

The warmth and sun might not be with us yet,
but the ground is softening,
and the chickens are having the time of their lives picking through the brown grass.

In just a matter of weeks, our world will transform.
New life will emerge and every square inch of our land will look
as though a paintbrush has been taken to it.

I am planning on spending a portion of this first day of spring in my greenhouse,
getting more seeds into soil...
in preparation for the weeks to come.

I am so looking forward to this year's gardening season...
so many plans...
so many projects.
I look forward to sharing these with you as the weeks pass!

How about you...how are you celebrating this first day of Spring??

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