Happy Spring!

Happy Spring!

Here it is....

the first day of Spring on the farm!

Can you believe it?
I am actually having a very hard time believing it.

The garden remains covered by a blanket of snow.

Thankfully, inside the warm greenhouse,
seedlings are starting to emerge...

keeping my hopes alive and urging me to forge on as if warm weather is just ahead.

Actually, everywhere you go you can hear the sound of water running...

as it melts from the rooftops and rushes down the downspouts.
What will we do with all this water?
And to think we still have Spring rains to look forward to!

I think it will be muddy for a very long time.

No one is interested in venturing out of doors.
MaryAnn stays right inside the shelter of her stall looking out...

hoping it will melt soon.

These gals are not fond of snow.

Summer and mud puddles is what makes them happy.

Even the new baby goats have no interest in playing outside.

Instead they climb all over me and shower me with little goaty kisses.

(Which, by the way, are the absolute sweetest!)

There are so many projects that need to be started!
As soon as this snow is melted and the weather warms, 
I will be busier as a bee.

My scarecrow, Minerva May, is greatly in need of a makeover.
The new out house needs a couple coats of paint.
All of the chicken houses need to be repainted.
Then there is the garden (s)!!!

I will also be building a chicken tractor that we can move around an unfenced pasture.
I am planning on raising pastured Cornish game hens this year for meat.

I know, I have never successfully raised anything and then eaten it...
but I am committed to this project.
And Amanda's Tim has offered to do the butchering.
there you have it.
Spring is on hold, and I am just itching to get started!!

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