

In yesterday's comments "Kris" asked if I have helpers.

I have helpers with every task that I set out to do!

Some help more than others!

But seriously, before you get the wrong impression,
I have to tell you....

I couldn't take care of this entire farm without some help.
You may already know that Wednesday's are my day "off" from farm chores.
Jim, my "cross the street" neighbor and friend does the animal chores on Wednesdays.
This gives me a free day for trips to town for appointments or groceries, if I need.
It also gives me a chance to dig into those big projects that occasionally arise.

Animal chores are a "family" task on weekends...
and with two or more of us doing them, they get done pretty quickly.

Amanda (one of the kids who is presently living at home) helps out in the garden
whenever I need her.

Truly, though, gardening in boxes reduces the amount of work considerably...
and what there is to do is so much easier, when getting on one's hands and knees
is no longer in the equation!
A layer of landscaping fabric on top of some of the boxes reduces the need for weeding, also!

And last but not least, our friend Sam helps out with the mowing and weed whacking.
With about 15 acres of mowing and miles of pasture fence to trim; 
it takes both of us to accomplish that task.

So.... I am no Superwoman.
I spend each day happily going about the farm chores....
with a little time occasionally left over for creativity, too.

I have to say...
it's the BEST job I have ever had!
(And one from which I plan to never retire!)

- Spring Chores
Yesterday was super-spectacular.Afternoon temperatures reached 70 and I dug in to my spring chore list. In addition to the usual barn chores,I raked 6 tractor loads of composted manure into the pumpkin patch.Then I ran the root-tiller through the soil...

- Mud-fest 2015
The snow is almost gone...and in its place mud...lots and lots of mud. A little (or even a lot) of mud doesn't keep us from digging in to farm chores.Yesterday we had winter clean-up in the goat pen.What is usually a big (dirty) job was made easier...

- Sometimes A Day Off Can Be Busier Than A Normal Day!
Those of you who know me, know that farm life suits me just fine.I am happy as a pig in slop...going about my day feeding, cleaning up, gardening, etc. I have to tell you, though, having Wednesdays "off" from animal chores isa luxury...and one that I...

- A Special Day With Zoe
I spent the day, yesterday, with a special young lady...a delightful ten year old, named Zoe, whose vocabulary rivals most adults';and whose enthusiasm and zest for life and all of its beauty is a wonderful thing to experience.She is the most appreciative...

- Murphy's Law
I have always made it my policy to view life with a positive attitude. But, in owning a farm I have come to realize that Murphy's Law truly exists. I teach this law to kids who come to visit the farm....not for the purpose of instilling negativity...

