Sometimes They Surprise You

Sometimes They Surprise You

It's almost 9 PM.
The sun has set in the west, leaving it's fiery handprint on the sky.

It's time to tuck in the animals for the night.

Fly masks come off,
and rations of hay are doled out.

It's time to walk the turkeys back to their home.
Ever since their move to the house by the barn, two weeks ago,
they have been a little confused at bedtime.
Usually I find them loitering outside the chicken house that they used to call home.
But not on this night.

No, tonight they are nowhere to be found.

Ordinarily I have to walk them across the expanse of this field...
sometimes with a Ritz cracker bribe.
But not tonight.

No, tonight, for some unknown reason,
the turkeys have decided that their new home is just that.


And here is where they have taken themselves and put themselves to bed.
All by themselves.
(First time...EVER!)
Miracles never cease.
Goodnight, Tom.
Goodnight, Chuck.

I'll see you both early in the morning.

I am so only a turkey mother could be!

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