Breaking And Entering

Breaking And Entering

Monday morning, as I tended to morning chores, I walked down through the dry lot
to the pigs' stall and found that the uppermost board across their door 
had been knocked down during the night.

Any guesses who the perpetrator was?

You got it....Moonbeam.
I have worried for the past year that one day he would be able to knock
that board down.
You see, our dear sweet Moonbeam has only one thing on his mind.
And that!
Now that I am supplementing the pigs' diet with hay, 
he knows there is a tasty treat inside their stall.

Needless to say I fixed that board before even taking a photo.
Five three-inch screws on each side of the board
should hold even Moonbeam at bay!

Since cooler weather has arrived, I am closing the outer door to the pig stall
at night, so breaking and entering will no longer be a nightly pastime.

Ginger and MaryAnn are quite relieved!

Yesterday morning as I was out running errands,
I came upon this crossing the road...

a mother turkey and her seven adolescents.
I tried to entice her to come home with me to Tom and Chuck,
but, instead, she ushered her youngsters into the woods for safety.

There's been a little extra activity here at the farm lately.
We've had a little work done on the pond
(while it is extremely low)
to prevent further erosion of its banks.

And the old log cabin is having its foundation buttressed,
and new beams put beneath the first floor floorboards.

Moisture has had its way with this old structure over the years.
We try to maintain its integrity as a historic landmark.

This old cabin has seen a great deal of history during its long life.
Hopefully it will remain standing for many years to come!

And last but not least...
how adorable is this?

Sleepy Daphne, taking a post breakfast nap...

and Chloe stands guard.

I love these two!!!!

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