Homeschooling & Sports

Homeschooling & Sports

HEM posted on how one of the disadvantages of homeschooling is sports. Some states like Florida allow homeschoolers to play on public high school teams.
Tebow blows apart the stereotype of the nerdy, anti-social home- school kid whose athletic prowess amounts to holding a pencil with two fingers. Educated at his farmhouse through the 12 th grade — Florida law allowed him to play sports at a public high school — Tebow’s outgoing personality, strong leadership abilities and athleticism have combined to help the Gators reach the national championship game Monday against Ohio State.”I know what the stereotype is and hopefully I’m not that,” Tebow said, adding that society often slams what it doesn’t understand.”A lot of people think home-schoolers are somewhat nerdy, but I don’t think most of them are.”Tebow’s thoughts are a refreshing respite from the canned comments so often delivered by today’s athletes. Like Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio State, Tebow actually thinks before he speaks. What he says and how he says it are impressive, much to the delight of home-schoolers who are tired of being pegged collectively as odd dressers with bad haircuts.
Some homeschoolers have even received football scholarships, although as usual homeschoolers are discriminated against as evidenced by Taylor losing his full football scholarship to Akron University because he was homeschooled.
Jason also made national headlines when he lost his full football scholarship to Akron University because they claimed he was ineligible because he had been homeschooled while playing highschool football. He fought back, played football at the University of Akron on an NCAA scholarship and later signed a contract to play with the Miami Dolphins. Mr. Taylor was interviewed and asked about homeschoolers being permitted to play on public school teams and he said that 16 states allow homeschoolers to play on their teams and 34 states do not. Concerning home education, he stated that so much time is taken up at school by breaks, clowning around and he pointed out that home education allowed him to get his work done in a shorter amount of time, allowed for more quality and the gave him the ability to focus on his education.

What's the answer? HEM links to several post offering possible solutions and problems, so be sure to go read their post.

We have been lucky, both our boys were able to play soccer for a recreational league. My personal preference would be to divorce public schools from athletics and have community teams through the recreational department. This would not only allow private school and homeschool students to play on sports teams, it would allow the public schools to spend all their funding on academics without having to worry about providing new uniforms for the football team & cheerleaders, new weight rooms, etc.

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