Educational News

Educational News

Homeschoolers are a very diverse group contrary to what some people think. For the Native American Homeschoolers amongst us The Native American Homeschool Association and Native American Homeschoolers are two groups you may want to check out.

In AC read how American Schools Get a Failing Grade How American Schools Fail Our Children

Would you send your child to a school that doesn't teach them, properly? Would you want your tax dollars to go toward a Principal's dinner, instead of needed books and supplies? Did you know that the FCAT wasn't really made to qualify or judge your child's performance? If your son or daughter had a deficit in an area, would you allow them to be condemned for it, publicly? Would you move to an area that 'claimed' to have the best schools, if you knew the test that determined this - was fixed? If you're sending your child to a public school, you're already forcing your child to deal with these situations, and more!

Many of us are interested in educational issues, this website should come in handy for everyone interested in education, I intend to make use of the Education Bill Tracking Database a lot.

National Charter School Watch Blog explains the difference between homeschoolers and students who do public school at home and why it is important to differentiate between the two.

To learn more about HoNDA visit Learning is for Everyone.

Read The Seduction of Homeschooling Families by Chris Cardiff

Do the public school authorities feel threatened by homeschooling? Judging by their efforts to lure homeschooling families into dependence on local school districts, the answer is apparently yes.

For the last several years, homeschooling has been the fastest growing educational alternative in the country. Estimates of its growth rate typically range from 15-25% annually. Homeschoolers are notoriously difficult to count, however, the National Homeschooling Research Institute believes that currently 1.2 million children homeschool today. While this constitutes only about 2% of all school age children, it’s more than 20% of those outside the government educational system. And, with a 20% annual growth rate, another quarter million children will join the homeschooling movement this year.

The sheer number of homeschoolers represent a distinct threat to the hegemony of the government school monopoly. Qualitatively, the academic success of homeschoolers, measured by standardized test scores and recruitment by colleges [1], debunk the myth that parents need to hire credentialed experts to force children to learn.

- Alasandra Addresses The Eight Homeschooling Concerns Educators Had And Offers Eight Public School Concerns She Has
The post Educators Criticize Homeschooling list eight homeschooling concerns. This is my reply to them. 1. Deprive the child of important social experiences. I assure you homeschooled children aren't deprived of social experiences. Some homeschool...

- Kestrel9000 Attacks Homeschooling At Daily Kos
First off I am going to take umbrage at the title of the post, Revisionist History: The Christian Right and the Miseducation Of Our Children. Shining Celebi and Lord Epa are mine and The Big Kahuna's kids they do not belong to anyone else. The idea...

- Here They Go Again Bashing Homeschooling
A small minority of homeschoolers hold a very public Creationist Science Fair, and now the general public thinks all homeschoolers are creationist and that homeschooling should be strictly regulated on a national level or altogether banned. Carlo elaborates...

- From The Blogosphere
Let's be clear public school at home isn't the same as homeschooling. If people choose to do public school at home that's fine and dandy, but they are not homeschoolers. I can only wonder if Bounds desire to scrutinize homeschoolers is due...

- Educational News
Homeschool Freedom points out the dangers of Home Based Instruction (virtual schools) to "independent homeschoolers". Having laid the PR background in step 4, anti-homeschooling activists are poised to get legislation passed that requires all homeschoolers...

