Hope Finds Her Voice

Hope Finds Her Voice

Gracie and the girls continue to call the barn home.
Having them spend a portion of the day in a stall gives me the opportunity to bond
with the lambs.

They are quite fast, now...
so catching them outside is impossible.

While in the stall, I can pick them up and snuggle with them.

Our weather has suddenly gotten warmer,
so Gracie and the girls spend their mornings and evenings outside.
The hot afternoon is nap time in their stall in the cool barn.

The twins are getting quite curious and a little more independent now,
so herding them from stall to grazing yard is always an adventure.
Once outside, they run and hop and play...
even enticing the dogs to play chase alongside the fence.

Here are a few minutes from yesterday morning...
where Hope finds her voice.

- Gracie And The Lambs Go On The Lam
One of our daily tasks right now is the process of socializing the lambs.Gracie....she's been a piece of cake...all it takes is a packet of Ritz crackers and she'd follow you anywhere.ANYWHERE! That is, until yesterday morning....when for some...

- Sam And Gracie's Playdate
Sitting quietly against the fence in the goat pasture,I witnessed this scene yesterday afternoon. Missy to Nettie, "What is that out in the pasture?""I'm not sure," Nettie whispered back.  "It seems to be all legs and they're writhing every...

- Quiet Time With Ginger And Maryann
It's afternoon feeding/chore time and I have climbed the fencefrom the dry lot into the piggy stall.The view from here is... all of the equines peacefully munching. Inside the pig stall... more munching!Here is a little quiet time with the girls.......

- A Few Updates
Over the past few weeks I have told you a few stories...stories that need proper endings! First Moll Flanders.... Moll has decided that she is a free spirit and prefers to not "live" anywhere.So, every three days or so, Moll returns to the barn,eats...

- Animals First
You have probably figured out that taking care of our animals is my top priority.Ok, second.Family comes first.However some days they might say that the animals come first! I spend a great deal of time considering the needs of all of our animals,and...

