Gracie And The Lambs Go On The Lam

Gracie And The Lambs Go On The Lam

One of our daily tasks right now is the process of socializing the lambs.
Gracie....she's been a piece of cake...
all it takes is a packet of Ritz crackers and she'd follow you anywhere.

That is, until yesterday morning....
when for some reason both she and her lambs decided to bolt out of their enclosure
as I was taking them out to graze.

"FREEDOM!!"  they cried, and ran around the garden area with wild abandon...
me, quickly sliding into panic mode.
I needed to call for help, but couldn't leave them alone while I ran in the barn to the phone.
So, I scrapped the idea of calling in reinforcements and opted for patience.

Within moments, all three of them ran headlong into the fenced-in yard we were originally bound for.
And I ran to close up the fence as fast as I could.


The sheep spent four hours out grazing yesterday morning.
Once back in their stall, we spent some time picking the lambs up and holding them...
getting them used to us fussing with them.

We held them and snuggled with them.

When I finished shooting that video, I trimmed each of their hooves while Amanda held them.

Life, right now, is mostly about acclimating them to us and to normal routine.
The more we handle them and get them used to grooming,
the easier it will be for everyone in the long run.

This is a process that takes a bit of time,
and we must be patient.

I'd love to put them out in the yard where they will live,
but hesitate to do so until they are completely socialized.

They're getting there...a little bit more each day!

I have to say....I love all three of these girls.
They are the sweetest creatures...
gentle and good natured.
They are a terrific addition to the farm!

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