Humming Along

Humming Along

I thought I would share a few photos from this weekend.

More time spent in the garden.....dreaming!

The hummingbirds are quite happy with the addition of the feeder in the garden...
and drain it on a daily basis.

For those of you who have never fed hummers,
I highly recommend you get a hummingbird feeder.

The feed is just sugar water...
one part sugar to four parts water...
boiled until dissolved, then cooled.

My feeder is constantly a-buzz..
requiring me to refill it daily.

The picture that I took, that I am most excited about
is this one....
What you see protruding from the end of her beak 
is her tongue.
Most people think that hummers drink nectar through their
beak like a straw.
What they actually do, though, is to slip this tongue
in and out of the flower at a rate of 13 times per second,
each time covering the tongue with nectar that is
then brought back into its mouth.

What a world we live in!
Truly amazing and magical...and it is all around us,
We only need to open our eyes.

PS....I saw an elusive scarlet tanager, 
while picking blackberries at the edge of the woods;
but could not capture him by camera.
I am making this my goal.
In case you have never seen one....
here is someone else's picture...sadly, not mine.
(From the public domain.....)

Oh, and I painted the rest of the gourds that I grew last year...
and hung them in the garden.


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