Hummers And Bears, Oh My!

Hummers And Bears, Oh My!

They're back!
After an arduous flight across the Caribbean,
our sweet little friends, the ruby throated hummingbirds
have arrived at Bee Haven Acres...
at least the males have arrived.
The females should be returning soon.

I have re-hung all of our hummingbird feeders
filled with a 4:1 sugar/water syrup.
I make my own sugar water, 
rather than buying the hummingbird nectar.
I read that the red food coloring in the nectar is unnecessary, 
and not that good for them anyways.
I ask red dye good for anyone?

Other news around the farm.... on the subject of our visiting black bear....

We have had several more nighttime visits from our friendly neighborhood
black bear.  He makes his nightly rounds across our front porch,
awakening Sam and Oakley.
Their growls then awaken us.
Upon turning on our front deck lights, 
we see him then lumber across the front deck and down the driveway.

Our neighbors contacted the Game Commission
and had a trap placed at their house.
It will hopefully catch the bear inside
so that he can be relocated to another place.

I hope to have pictures of this big fellow to share with you
in the very near future!

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