I am so excited!!!!!!!
Hi it's Scylla here. I am so excited King Brian got his very first award and he passed it on to me, Scylla!!!!!!! Isn't it pretty with the flowers and the butterfly?
The translation means "Your Blog Doesn't Stink" and the only rule is to link to the blogger that gave it to you (that's Brain at Brian's Home) and pass it on to 5 others!
- Socks' girlfriend MoMo who blogs at Mieow
- Charybdis' boyfriend Cliff and his sister Olivia who blog at Cliff & Olivia
- Khyra from Khyra's Korner
- Phantom & Thunder (I also wants to give it to Princess Dakota, even though she is an angel at the Rainbow Bridge) from The Chronicle of Woos
- Pughy at Ginger Jasper
Brian, thank you so much for this award. I am tinkled pink.
We will try to visit our friends tomorrow. The bad Mommy ran away and had her hair done and meet an old friend for lunch and now she is whining about having a headache and a sore throat and wanting to lie down, so we has to turn off the computer and play quietly. I thinks I shall go nap with Mommy as I am sure hearing me purr will make her feel better.
Opposites Attract Award ~ Thanks Savannah & Brian
Oh isn't this a pretty award. My friend Savannah from Savannah's Paw Tracks gave it to me. Thank you so much Savannah. Firstly, you need to thank the blogger who gave you the Opposites Attract Award and link back to their blog. Easy peasy....
Scylla Was Tagged
I was tagged by my boyfriend Brian so I guess that means I’m it. If you don’t know Brian, you should visit him, he works really hard to get cats adopted into loving homes. He has lots of questions for me to answer so I guesses I better get started....
Mancat Monday ~ Socks
JFF, gave us this pawsome award Thank Cat or I wouldn't have a Mancat Monday Post. The Mom has been slacking lately. She seems to think planting flowers is more important then helping us blog! And if her gardening activities aren't bad...
A Picture Game By Scylla
My boyfriend, Brian, from Brian's Home tagged me. The rules are you have to find your first photo folder, scroll down to the 10th photo, post that photo and tell the story behind it; you must then tag 5 other bloggers to play the game. Oh this...
We Received The Superior Scribbler Award
The Superior Scribbler Award was started by The Scholastic Scribe to celebrate their 200th post. To read more about the Superior Scribbler Award click HERE. As with every award, there’re some rules that need to be followed: 1. Each Superior Scribbler...