Mancat Monday ~ Socks

Mancat Monday ~ Socks

JFF, gave us this pawsome award Thank Cat or I wouldn't have a Mancat Monday Post. The Mom has been slacking lately. She seems to think planting flowers is more important then helping us blog!  And if her gardening activities aren't bad enough she ran off to visit the Grandparents this weekend. We even saw pictures of their cats on Mommy's camera. Isn't she rude? The rules of this award are to link back to Jan's Funny Farm and to tell 10 things that make us happy. Okay, I can do that...........

What makes Socks happy.

  1. Sitting in Mommy's lap when she is at the computer.
  2. Sitting in Mommy or Daddy's chair.
  3. Raw shrimp
  4. Milk
  5. The pink nip mouse.
  6. Laying in the cube.
  7. Playing with Artemisia.
  8. Cuddling with Scylla.
  9. Playing in the Butterfly Garden.
  10. Helping Mommy garden.
Since the award was for all of us Artemisia will tell you 10 things that make her happy tomorrow. Now we are  suppose to pass it along to 10 friends, we are all helping with this part.

  1. Brian's Home
  2. MoMo
  3. Sniffie & The Florida Furkids
  4. Millie
  5. The Op Pack
  6. Miss Peach
  7. Tommy & His Cats
  8. The Ozark Mountain Cats
  9. The Zoolatry Girls
  10. Raymond & Busby

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