I Am Starting To Sound Like A Broken Record

I Am Starting To Sound Like A Broken Record

Disaster struck the Frat House last week.
In fact, the horror was so awful, that the Frat House remains closed...

Sadly, our rogue fox family attacked the Roos.
There was only one survivor.
Old Millard lived to tell the tale....
and it wasn't pretty.

But the good news, at least for old Millard is this:
he now lives in the henhouse...
and for the first time in his life has his pick of the ladies.

And what could be more enticing than young Svetlana with her lovely neck fringe!
(Don't mention Svetlana's crew cut to Millard, ok?)

Of course, any potential dates that Millard might want need to be approved by old Roy Boy.

Roy Boy runs the henhouse;
and he runs a rather tight ship.

Millard found this out on his first day.
They had a few issues to work out.
Roy Boy laid down the rules...
Millard tested the rules.
Eventually calm returned to the henhouse...
but only after two assertive roos received a few comb wounds.

While we are on the subject of bad news...
would you be surprised if I told you that both Annie and Oakley got skunked again
yesterday morning?

Yes, tis true... they both came home from their morning jaunt with tongues
hanging low....stinkin' to high heaven!

I've got to say....this is getting old!

I found a little time to work in my craft room...
getting this lot of bracelets ready for a local dress shop.

If there are any that you might like....please let me know and I can send you a close-up picture.

Then, later last evening, I took some time to sit in the gazebo and knit.
I am almost finished with a cowl neck shoulder cozy...

and will show you when it is finished.

 I am planning on finishing this week with a rather quiet weekend here on the farm.
How about you...do you have any excitement planned?
Whatever you are up to this weekend...enjoy!
Hope to see you back on Monday....
I will be here with the news of the weekend and also...
I have a giveaway planned for next week!

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