Slowing Down (Occasionally)

Slowing Down (Occasionally)

It is so easy to get caught up in all of the work that must be done around a farm...
and before you know it, days pass and all you have done is work.

I am a worker bee by nature, so I have become very intentional about taking
breaks and spending a little time here and there with the animals.
Not only is it good for me, but I have found over the years that the more time
I spend with all of our animals,
the more trusting they are of me.

Yesterday, after finishing the gazebo landscaping,

I headed up to the chicken houses to gather eggs.
When finished, I sat down outside the fence and just took a break
to enjoy the sights, the sounds, the smells of the farm.

I felt a cool breeze as it caressed my shoulder...
something I might have missed if I had not intentionally slowed down for a bit.

I watched the comical chicken antics 

as I sat there with Sammy, who chose to nap.

The chicks that hatched April 1st are all grown up now.

This lovely batch of hens will start laying eggs by Summer's end.

Of course, seeing me pause for a while made the turkeys come over to investigate.
They were quite taken with my red toenail polish!

In case you were wondering if turkeys have ears....

see the hole above Tom's eye?
That's his ear.

Yesterday morning, I ran this batch of bracelets...

to our local Arts Council Gallery.

They had emailed me last week asking if I might want to sell my bracelets in their gallery shop.
I am also going to make them a few of these leather and bead wrap bracelets...

So, you see...if I don't make myself slow down...
I just find more to do!

This quote by Hunter S. Thompson just about sums up my philosophy on life:

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

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