I Love This Camera!

I Love This Camera!

If you are ever in the market for a point and shoot camera that can do 
anything that an expensive digital SLR camera can do....
this is YOUR camera!!
I have to confess, I went to Costco and bought
the same exact camera that I lost in the woods.

Because I have never found a better bang for my buck!
This camera does absolutely everything,
for less than a lot of fancy point and shoot cameras.

So, there it is,
the end of the camera saga.

My apologies for the lapse in picture taking.
I will be carrying this little number around with me all day today...
recording life as it happens....
wacky life on the farm.

For now, though, I will share some pictures that I downloaded 
from one of the kids' (Amanda) cameras.
Colorful mushrooms in the Hundred Acre Wood.

We spent Sunday walking the perimeter of our acreage,
checking our "No Hunting" signs and adding new ones.
This is a chore that we do every year
on the weekend before Thanksgiving.
(Amanda and Hubbs with pants tucked in socks to discourage ticks)

Hubbs and Tim (Amanda's boyfriend, and our adopted son)
marked our boundaries,
while Amanda and I wrote our name and address on all
of the old signs.

We even saw some wildlife....
a bear in the woods....

No, not really....
that is Maddie, our Newfie.
All the dogs went with us and had a blast running through the woods.

Unfortunately, I ended up with a tick bite on my back.
The only thing I dislike about life near the woods,
is the ticks.

Thanks to this chore,
the local deer have a safe haven in our woods
yet another year.

  PS.... About those turkey eggs.....delicious....a little more "eggy" than chicken eggs, but higher in protein.  The yolk stays almost round as you fry it.  I would imagine that they, like duck eggs, would be great for baking.  So far our turkey hen has laid 4 eggs.....one daily.

PPS... I have found a website that turns blogs into books, and so I have started to compile the last several years' blog entries into books for us to keep.  I am hoping that it will serve as a sort of history for future generations when we are no longer here.  If you want to do the same with your blog, check it out....HERE.

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