Countdown to Thanksgiving

Countdown to Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving week!
Don't you just love this holiday?
Lots of family time...just spending time, eating, playing...
without the pressure of gifts and decorating!
It's maybe my most favorite holiday of all.

It is this time of year that we take our annual perimeter walk
around our land and post "No Trespassing" signs
to keep hunters off our land.
You might remember that last year at this time

I lost my camera in the woods while hiking the perimeter.

This year I was extra special careful while walking.

Hubbs and Amanda placed new signs around the property
and I hand carried my camera!

A little time spent with the piggies topped off our day.

They are becoming excellent grazers and really enjoy
their time out of doors.
The turkeys are very curious about them and graze right along side them.

Lucky turkeys....
it's good that they have no clue how many of their cousins
are going to be consumed in the upcoming week!

Donald and Sophia have recuperated nicely from last week's surgery.
It's back to life as usual.

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