I thinks I was bad................

I thinks I was bad................

Remember how I kept complaining about Artemis and saying I wanted Sandy Paws to take her back. Well she isn't here. Mommy went somewhere with her and didn't bring her back. I didn't mean it. I mean part of my hissing was just for form you know. I couldn't let the beans think they could bring a cat home without consulting with me without hearing about it. I mean yesterday I only hissed once just before bed time at the kitten and then once this morning at Socks. So uh Mom where is Artemis? My hissing at Fenris doesn't count, cause I ALWAYS hiss at him except when I go steal his food. Then I acts all friendly to him.

Scylla is actually being very good all three of the cats watched the new Star Trek DVD in the family room with us last night. Today I took Artemis to the vet. It turns out Artemis is at least 6 months old (she is going to be a very small cat). The vet recommended keeping her overnight and spaying her in the morning since Artemis had a bad case of ear mites and needed to be knocked out for them to clean her ears good. They all fell in love with her at the vets. She is really sweet and doesn't put up a fuss about anything they do to her. She just laid there and let them draw her blood for the Feline Leukemia Test. (it was clear thank Cat) when Scylla had her blood drawn for it it took 3 vet techs plus me to hold her down.  In addition to being spayed and having her ears cleaned Artemis will receive her 12 weeks shots and then go back in a couple of weeks for her booster shots plus rabies. 

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The...

- Artemisia
I spent my first day just laying in the carrier enjoying the warmth. Daddy fixed me scrambled eggs for supper cause I didn't know about the canned cat food or dry cat food. The dry cat food didn't smell the same as the cat food I was used...

- Introducing ...... & Confucius Cat Purrs 4 Peace Week 29 Peace On Earth. Good Will Toward Men...and Cats...and Other Animals
These are my baby pictures (October 3, 2009). I was born at Grandma's House. I was a barn cat. I didn't have a warm house to sleep in and I didn't get taken to the vet. All that changed Christmas. My Mommy & Daddy still miss Charybdis...

- Choose Nine Books For Your Gift Box
HT Cocking a Snook! How can anyone expect me to choose just nine books. There are so many wonderful books out there, some are old friends and some have yet to be discovered. But here is my attempt at nine books everyone should have a nodding acquaintance...

- Alasandra's Book Club - The Lost Colony
Shining Celebi, Lord Epa and I enjoy Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl series, so it was with great pleasure that I realized a new book was out. Lord Epa got it for Christmas and I have been patiently waiting my turn to read it. It's great! As usual...

