Three of You for Joey Cartwright Graves III

Three of You for Joey Cartwright Graves III

Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments.
  1. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The Boy Beans ~AFSS
  2. Three Things I Love - Artemisia ~eating all the foods, pouncing on Scylla, being petted: Fenris ~ going for walks, playing fetch, playing chase; Socks ~ sleeping, sitting in Mommy's lap, roaming outside; Scylla ~ getting Mommy love, sleeping in Mommy & Daddy's bed, playing with Artemisia.
  3. Three Places I Have been - Socks & Artemisia ~ Grandma's house & the vets; Fenris ~ The Feed store, The vets, Obedience School; Scylla ~ I have just been to the vets.
  4. Three Names I Go By - Artemisia, Arty Mouse & Artemis,  Pig Mouse; Fenris, Fen & Fenny Marrinny;  Socks, Sockie~Pooh & Pooh Cat, Scylla, Silly Scylla, & Kitty Cow
  5. Three Things I Dislike - Rain, Riding in the car & Going to the vet (The Cats) : Rain, Getting in trouble for getting in the garbage, being told NO ~Fenris
  6. Three  foods I love ~ Cheese, Eggs & Ham ~AFSS
  7. Three books I like  ~ The Cat Bible, James Herriot's Books & Whatever Mommy is reading cause we can sit in her lap while she reads (The Cats) I would rather play then read ~Fenris

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