Ice Cream Makes Everything Better!

Ice Cream Makes Everything Better!

Ahhhh....the good with the bad.
Is it possible that I am being tested right now?
Actually, I know not.  Because for most part, the good always outweighs the bad around here.

But, is Tuesday morning (yesterday for you) and I am sitting here
at my computer.
The rain is falling steadily outside, as it has throughout most of the night.
It let up long enough for me to get the morning chores done.
It is 8:30 and already I have bathed both Annie and Oakley for yet another skunk attack!

Do I have a sign on my back that says "Skunk Me"?
I mean really.
Enough already.

I am seriously considering a name change.
How about Skunk Haven Acres?
After all, the skunks seem to be much more prolific than the bees!

The silver lining is that so many of you have left comments to enter our giveaway...
and have given me some useful information about who is out there in blog-land.

I have to to tell you... I asked for basic gave gifts from the heart.
I've said it are the best!
If only we were neighbors and could have these chats across the fence!

I will tuck your comments away in the pocket closest to my heart, 
for those days when I need a little pick-me-up.

Most days that pick-me-up is in the form of an animal visit.
However, with today's endless rain, it's nice to have some friends to "chat" with!
And y'all are from that's really exciting!

Tuesday was pretty much a literal "wash" around the farm.
A day of heavy rain kept Daphne and Chloe under cover.
Not even a tasty green pasture could lure them out of their dry abode.

The horses, on the other hand, have that motto we all know...
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night...."

Nothing keeps them from enjoying that pasture grass!

"Rain?" says Moonbeam, taking a break from eating..."What rain?"

Afternoon came and time for their feed (mineral/vitamin supplement...basically)
so the horses came back to the barn on their own.

"Hey, girls, what are you doing here?  Did you need a change of scenery?"

"Where's Ollie?  Everyone else is accounted for."

Naturally, Ollie does what Ollie's been this way forever.

Such is the way with orphan horses...they just never learn to behave.
Thankfully he is the smallest we have.

Usually when he acts up we just sort of chuckle because he is so small.
However if he were a full sized horse.... yikes!

With horses fed, I head out to check on the rest of the crew.

Chickens don't mind rain...

Goats avoid it...

Pigs... prefer room service, thank you.

And at the end of a skunk-filled day,
there was only one thing I could do...

Pick more peaches and make homemade peach ice-cream!

If you love ice-cream as much as we do,
get yourself a little Cuisinart ice cream maker.

You can have a small batch of homemade ice-cream, frozen yogurt, or sorbet whenever you like!

The container that makes the ice-cream is kept in the freezer until you are ready to make it...
and then within 15 minutes, you have fresh ice cream!!


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