Sleep Tight.....

Sleep Tight.....

One of my favorite times of day is late evening...
"tuck-in" time for the horses.

They have their fly masks removed 
(yes, even Scarlet is leaving her fly mask on these days!)

and have their bedtime meal....
a yummy flake of hay for each.

After feeding the Bigs, I sat down for a visit with the Littles.

Red and Ollie have matured into the sweetest horses.
As soon as I enter their lot,
they head over to see me.

They come when they are called,
and since their gelding, their manners are impeccable.

These two have been together since they were very very young.
There seems to be no competition between them for anything.
They are inseparable.

Out of all the horses, they are Oakley's favorite.

Even TomTom is quite comfortable lying next to them as they eat.

A good night kiss for Ollie and the evening comes to a close...

"Good night boys, sleep tight....see you bright and early in the morning."

And by the way, aren't these nostrils a bit too big for such a small horse?

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