Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigrants

It was a moist, cool September morning.
Fog had settled over the land making visibility poor.

The sun was just rising when the call came through.
It was the border patrol.
There had been a break...
an illegal immigration....
a village obviously abandoned...

Two desperate mothers and their 3 grown children had apparently dug a tunnel under the fence....

and escaped with only the fur on their backs....
in search of food a better life...

Yes, five Nigerian Dwarfs took off in search of another breakfast freedom
and smuggled themselves into Faintinggoatland.

The fainters were all a twitter.

The Nigerians tried their darnedest to blend in...
to look natural...

They were caught red-hooved and sent immediately back through the border crossing...
no questions asked.

Several more escapes were attempted.

It was obvious they were desperate.

But, rules are rules....the fence was reinforced.

The obviously starved Nigerians were despondent and begged for more food mercy.

Sorry,'s a tough world.


As a follow-up to yesterday's post...

yes, I reconstructed the driveway display....

on the other side of the driveway!

Hopefully, that is far enough away from Moonbeam, the amazing rubber-neck horse!!

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