
When I start out each morning for AM chores,
I head down the driveway,
open up the Roos and the chicks,

and then continue on down the driveway to the road
and on to the pond.

Once the ducks are fed and I am back on my way to the barn,
I am usually greeted by a certain orange tiger cat,
TomTom, who comes running down the driveway 
just to make sure I know he needs his breakfast.

Yesterday morning he was waiting for us on one of the fence posts around the bee yard.

Don't you love those scary glowing eyes?

"This way," he directs us as he heads to the barn
by way of the fence tops.

on to the ground,

and into the gator.

And off we go for breakfast at the barn!

Back up the driveway,

to the fork in the lane...

which way to go?

Left turn to the barn by way of the orchard,

where apples are hanging in abundance,

and in various states of ripeness. 

These may not be the prettiest apples,
because we don't spray,
but they are tasty and organic!
So, applesauce and apple pies are on the horizon.

Luckily, most of the vegetables will be finished by the time apples
are in season.
I have been canning almost daily...
spaghetti sauce, salsa, fruit, tomatoes,
and making stuffed peppers and such for the freezer.

I thought that this afternoon I would take a break from canning and freezing,
and have a tea party in the fairy garden.
Will you join me?

I will make a tiny pot of tea,
and some finger sandwiches.
And of course we will have delicious tiny cakes
and sweets as well.

Meet me at the garden gate at three.
Take the old key hanging at the gate,
turn around counter-clockwise twice,
close your eyes and pull your right ear thrice,
repeat the words ....
"tiny tea for tiny me",
then come and have a seat on this bench.

Make sure you take your shoes off,
before beginning this spell....
as it doesn't work on shoes,
and you may end up three inches tall in sneakers as big as a boat!

Thanks for stopping by...
and I hope to see you at three!

Here are Tom and Chuck....

Poor Chuck is having a little tail trouble right now.
It seems that he has molted most of his tail feathers right off!
So sad.
Now if only they would molt off that green paint on their chest feathers!

- And The Tour By Drone Continues...
In order to give you a little better "lay of the land",here is some more drone footage. This first clip shows views from above the fainting goat yard...then progresses to the Nigerian yards and the chicken yards. The second footage starts down the road...

- Hello Summer....what Took You So Long?
Every once in a while, I awaken feeling like I'm in the midst of a dream.Yesterday was one of those days. A beautiful blue-skied, humidity-free day greeted me. It seemed like overnight all of the perennials had made a decision to open up to the...

- Rainy Days And Mondays
Today I wanted to share our amazing apple harvest with you.Every year we have bushels of ugly apples...apples that taste wonderful and make terrific sauce and pies...but are definitely ugly. You see, we don't spray our trees,so our apples are organic....

- Tom Tom, Farm Manager
Each morning, when I arrive at the barn, Tom Tom is waiting for me and leads me into the barn...a reminder that hungry kitties are waiting. He quickly gulps down his breakfast (spoiled barn kitties get canned food twice a day and unlimited dry food available....amazingly...

- Garden Explosion!!
It seems like just yesterday, I was planting seeds in tiny pots in the greenhouse. Now, months later, cold weather is just a memory and the dog days of August are upon us, and those tiny seedlings are mature plants bursting with produce. Thirty tomato...

