In Need of a Makeover!

In Need of a Makeover!

Sadly, the farm and most of its inhabitants 
are looking a little rough these days.
Winter has taken its toll.

From brown, muddy pastures....
in need of re-seeding.

Piles of stones left from snowplows...
in need of a clean-up.

To molting chickens....
only time will take care of this.
(I have to tell you...some days I feel like I look like this, too!)

Filthy Bigs....

and Littles, too....
(These boys will get a shave as soon as the weather warms up.)

Dogs in need of grooming....

Turkeys whose molted tail feathers are starting to grow back....

Even one of our signs is in need of a makeover.

Boy, do we have our work cut out!
Maybe this time I need to paint a metal sign!

This is the kind of work I have waited months to do...
I can hardly wait to get started!

It's very soon "Makeover Time" at Bee Haven Acres.
I promise you after that I will take you on a video tour.

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