In The Garden

In The Garden

It's official.
Spring has signed on the dotted line...
another three month lease...
sending Winter back from whence he came.

She wasted no time in unpacking her trunks...
trunks full of new growth, and insects and song birds.
In the process of moving in, she redecorated...
adding ample amounts of greens and pinks and yellows to her dwelling.

When Spring arrives, I become a handmaiden to her whims...
assisting her as she once again breathes life into my gardens.
Planting, weeding, watering, fertilizing, cultivating become my daily tasks.

Sewing and quilting are put away for rainy days,
and all available time is spent in the garden.

Yesterday I removed a coverlet of straw from all of the strawberry boxes.
Warm weather will awaken these tender plants...
and luscious juicy fruit will follow thereafter.

The garden boxes are now home to the broccoli, kale, cabbage, sugar peas
that until now have been growing in the shelter of the greenhouse.

I've started planning my new fairy garden.
A couple of old stumps and moss are the framework for the eventual landscaping.

My evenings have been spent in making mushrooms that will "grow" in the fairy garden...

little wooden stepping stones (a path to a fairy house)...

and tiny pairs of fairy slippers that will be given as keepsakes to the children
who find them hidden within the fairy garden...
(Thanks Anne for the tutorial!)

I'm having such a great time with my fingers in the soil.
Garden season is my favorite time of year.
I will have so very much to share with you over the coming months.

I have received several questions with regards to the layout of our garden.

Our garden consists of 4x4, 4x8, and 4x12 cedar boxes.
Between the boxes we laid thick tarp and covered it with suppress weed growth.
If you are going to build raised garden beds,
I would like to offer a little advice.
Thinking that cedar would well outlast pine boxes,
we decided to go that (more expensive) route.

What we have learned is that the cedar that is available today is not old growth cedar,
and therefore it does not hold up to moisture.
Don't waste your money on cedar.

We are replacing boards that have rotted with regular pine that we are 
treating with a soy-based weather sealant.
Pressure treated wood should not be used for garden beds,
as that type of wood leaches chemicals into the soil...and into your vegetables.

If you are interested in building pine boxes that look like ours,
email me and I can give you more details on the construction.

And of course, no job is complete without the company of Tom and Chuck!

PS:  Miss Minerva May Honeycut is looking forward to another garden season.

It was a very long winter, so Miss Minerva is headed to a spa
for some much needed attention and a complete makeover.
Stay tuned for her big reveal!

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