It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This...

It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This...

We have entered one of my favorite times of year.
And although the calendar says it's still summer,
it feels like autumn and is beginning to look like it, too.

 Yesterday morning it was 51 degrees when I went out for morning chores.
The high for the afternoon reached 77...with a pretty good breeze that made it feel much lower.
I had energy to burn, and so when the barn work was complete and the large pile
of ironing that had been accumulating was finished...
I headed out for a long country walk.

With goldenrod in full bloom,

and tall corn blowing in the breeze,

it's ears hanging dry on the stalk,

I walked a 3 ½ mile loop on the roads surrounding the farm.

There's nothing more invigorating than a cool autumn wind blowing
fresh country air up one's nostrils.
I enjoyed every step I took!

Once home, I cleaned out the refrigerator and found a little leftover watermelon
that I thought some of the animals might enjoy.
Some did.
Some didn't.
(Take note while watching this video how beautiful the day was.)

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