It is not fair for other students, to "vote away the rest of the people's money."

It is not fair for other students, to "vote away the rest of the people's money."

Would you like to sign a petition against NCAA Football?" Nadine Mendelsohn-Ziskind, a history student at the University of South Alabama, asks a fellow USA student as he makes his way to his evening class last Wednesday in the Humanities courtyard.

"They are going to charge you an extra $300 a year for it," she continues. "That amounts to an extra $1,200, and if you have student loans, the interest would make football even costlier."If implemented, the proposed football program will be accompanied by an athletic fee increase of $100 to $150 per semester based on full-time enrollment. Students not enrolled full time would pay less.

A group of students has been talking about starting an anti-football petition for several weeks. Nov. 14 they began collecting signatures."It is not that I am against football at South. I am just against the way they are doing it," Mendelsohn-Ziskind told The Vanguard. "If the alumni asked me to donate, I would give what I could. I just resent being forced to pay for it," she added.Mendelsohn-Ziskind is not alone in feeling this way.

USA freshman Matthew Peterson, who is helping to organize the anti-football petition drive, has repeatedly argued that it is not fair for other students, even a majority of other students, to "vote away the rest of the people's money."

Read the rest in the Vanguard

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