It Just Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!

It Just Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!

There just might not be enough expletives to describe
how deliciously beautiful the past two days have been here on the farm!

Blue skies abound with temps just at 70 degrees...
my absolute favorite!

The barn swallows have returned and chatter away...

as they work on their mud nests in the barn rafters.
Watching their babies grow will be a summertime treat!

Outdoor work is a joy on these beautiful, temperate days.

And time spent with the animals is even better.

We lounge on the ground, feeling the cool, slightly moist earth beneath us.

I spent a little extra time with Ginger and MaryAnn yesterday afternoon
when the chores were done.

It's been so long since we could just lounge on the ground...
I took the opportunity to bask in the warmth of the sun,
surrounded by my gentle friends.

TomTom joined us (usually it's Moll who hangs out with the pigs).
She chose to lounge on the gator instead.

TomTom:  "Hi, Ginger."

Ginger:  "I think I liked the other end better!"

TomTom:  "Am I not just the most adorable kitty?"

Ginger:  "You are cute, but, please keep those claws to yourself!"

It always amazes me how comfortable the animals are with each other.

I finally picked our morel mushrooms.  
Fearing that they would get stepped on or mowed off,
I decided to bring them into the house to dry.
Aren't they just the most curious mushroom?
Curious and delicious!

And when the sun goes down....

It just doesn't get any better than this!
(Sorry Hubbs....who graciously sat on the floor so as not to disturb the pups...
 as Sammy occupied the love seat.)

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