It's A Girl....X2

It's A Girl....X2

What a surprise we had yesterday afternoon.  Sissy goat delivered twin girls!
 Months ago when we did an ultrasound, we only saw one fetus.  Lately, Sissy has looked very very pregnant.  We were worried that her kid was a big one....but instead it was two.  The girls are adorable, tricolored, with blue eyes.  Their daddy is our dear departed MoJo.
I arrived at the delivery room right after she finished delivering #2.  After helping Sissy get her girls cleaned up, I took each of them and introduced them to Sissy's udders. 

They latched right on and started to nurse.  After filling their tummies, they settled down and slept.  Being born is hard work!!
Many thanks to Anna for catching these pictures with her phone.  Unfortunately, my camera has died.  Don't worry, I will be replacing it is definitely something I cannot function without!

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