It's Beginning To Look A Lot....Oh Never Mind, It Melted!

It's Beginning To Look A Lot....Oh Never Mind, It Melted!

The goat yard is usually a hub of activity.

Yesterday, as the temperature rose and the snow melted,
it was even more so!

All of the hens were out in search of worms.

Annie was intrigued by all of the hustle-bustle.

I was searching the goat houses for eggs (none found...YAY!).

And because the dogs were in the yard with me,

the goats were on high alert.
Who wouldn't be with these two wild animals acting this way!

Some were on even higher alert.

Others were just curious about why I was crawling into their houses!

Our weather has been erratic lately...
snow one day,
melt the next,
snow the next,
melt....and so on.
The ground is ultra-soggy right now and will probably stay that way until it freezes.
For now, though, we squish, squish, squish along as we do chores...
thankful for waterproof boots!

I've started a little decorating for Christmas.
The living room theme is "woodland creatures".

I'm not ready to show you much more than just a peek.
Today I will be finishing this room.

I've also been filling any "down" time with knitting...

just a few last minute cowls for Christmas gifts.
I love this leaf pattern.

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- Addendum To Today's Post
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- Friday's Addendum
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- Quiet Winter Scenes
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