It's Friday!

It's Friday!

Another Friday has come around again.
Can you believe it?
At this rate, Spring will be here in the blink of an eye!

It's not here now, however.
No, today we are dealing with another Winter storm.
Hubbs keeps telling me it's our last.

I wanted to share a couple of my favorite moments of this past week with you.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing the horses peacefully sleeping.
Apparently they like the wood chips that we made for them yesterday.
The dry lot smells like a Christmas tree!

One of the best parts of any day...

is a visit with MaryAnn....

and Ginger.

The pad for the picnic pavilion was finished yesterday.
Construction should start next week.
Ginger and MaryAnn will enjoy this addition,
as it is in the woods right across from their yard.
"Oh boy... that means more visitors!" they say.

Join us.....
Farm Life at its Best

- A Few Weekend Moments
Our weekend flew by...a moment at a time.We found a balance between work and play...and had the pleasure of a visit from our favorite pink fairy. (I finished knitting her Christmas stocking on Friday.) Here are a few of our moments... Our weekend started...

As the moon hangs on the horizon, right before dawn... the horses are eating their breakfast... as are the donkeys... The turkeys gaze upon the peace of the blue hour from their toasty house... and I hear the weather man on the radio in the barn talking...

- Of Pigs And Pizza
It has been a beautiful Autumn week here on the farm.Cold days...wonderful!! I have been very busy catching up with chores,thanks to renewed energy that comes with cooler days.The 100 blueberry bushes were in desperate need of a good weeding.So,...

- As Luck Would Have It....
We are so very lucky. We dodged a big bullet this weekend. That crazy Nor-easter storm that blew threw the northeast all but missed us. We had a light dusting of snow, which by yesterday was practically gone. We were able to get a lot of work done...

- Friday Smiles
Yesterday's sunny skies gave me a chance to visit with all of the animals. Maddie and I set out in the gator at afternoon feed time.Usually Maddie rides shotgun,yesterday she was just too tired. And although it is a bit harder to drive the gator...

