
As the moon hangs on the horizon, right before dawn...

the horses are eating their breakfast...

as are the donkeys...

The turkeys gaze upon the peace of the blue hour from their toasty house...

and I hear the weather man on the radio in the barn talking of 4 to 6 inches of snow...
starting tonight.

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring....helloooooooo.....
So I am out here talking things over with Mother Nature...
imploring her to have pity.

We've had enough...and it is almost all melted!
Have mercy!

Well, I have learned this much... it will be what it will be.
And that's that!

Never-the-less, I will be working in the greenhouse today...
planting more seeds.
I am getting a good jump on gardening season already....

I'll be ready when Spring unpacks her suitcases and decides to take up residency.

I haven't broken the news to these gals, however.

They were just getting used to being outside again.

See that look of contentment on her face?
The thought of a yard full of snow might be enough
 to make Ginger and MaryAnn cry little piggy tears.

And Daphne and Chloe have had a case of Spring fever.
These two, who have lived the last three months on a single path through the snow from 
their house to their water bucket, are quite glad to have the freedom to wander at will.

Just yesterday they were racing around their yard, kicking the fence each time they would pass
the boys (horses) on the other side of the fence.
I grabbed my camera to get a video.... and of course the fun came to a grinding halt!

All that running around tires a gal out!

Just a few short weeks and we will see some of these....

Lilacs are one of my favorite parts of spring.
There is nothing better than cutting armloads and bringing them into the house.
The scent.....heavenly.

Duck update....
The pond has finally melted completely.
Our ducks all made it through the winter....
until the past week.
Sometime in the past week we lost 3 of our mallards.
I was hoping that they were just off mating and nesting....but three is an odd number...
and that tells me my hopes were wrong.

Hopefully this spring will bring new baby ducks to the pond.

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