June Update ~Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden & The Cats

June Update ~Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden & The Cats

The Queen Anne's lace is blooming in the Butterfly Garden. I also moved some lantana I had growing around the birdfeeder down to the Butterfly Garden and planted more Queen Anne's lace.

Scylla & Chrybdis got their shots for feline leukemia. They have also discovered TREES. For awhile Scylla thought it was a lovely game to climb up the oak tree and squall until Lord Epa came rescued her. Unfortunately for her Lord Epa over slept one day and she had to figure out how to get down by herself. They are really happy Daddy cat is back from Japan. Sockie~pooh is doing well, he still has a few places he can jump to, in order to escape the monsters.

- Tattle Tail Tuesday By Scylla & Charybdis
We went down to the butterfly garden to look at the flowers and we saw a very BAD SOCKS, rolling around in Mommy's flowerbed. You are going to get in trouble Socks cause we are tattling on you! Our Purple Heart is blooming. Mommy is going to dig...

- Flowers On Friday
This is a Tiger Lily. This Tiger Lily survived Katrina. It used to live in the front yard under the Sweet Gum Trees. Bad Katrina knocked the Sweet Gum Trees down. When BIL came to get the trees he plowed up Mommy's flower bed, she was still in Meridian...

- New Plants In The Butterfly Garden By Scylla
We didn't get to see the English Dogwood and the white Wisteria bloom last year, so we were thrilled to see them bloom this spring. Mommy, Daddy and youngest boy bean have been adding stuff to the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden. This is...

- Spring Is In The Air
These violets are growing wild down at the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden. There is a carpet of them, and it is very lovely. We got much needed rain this winter. The pond is finally up to it's previous levels. Unfortunately when the pond was...

- Whiskers Butterfly Memorial Garden Update
Last weekend we drove to Meridian to get some plants from our parents. Tuesday morning we were tied up with Shining Celebi's oral surgery. Everything went OK and Shining Celebi seems to be recovering. He was even able to enjoy the creamy potato soup...

